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No Risk Home Staging

Are you worried that your home won't sell and you don't want to pay up front for staging in case it doesn't?


Let us assume the risk for you with our No Risk Home Staging program. With this service, if your home doesn't sell, you don't owe us anything. And, you'll get the same great service as you will with our traditional pricing structure. With this service we believe that a full stage will amplify the results and so we will stage every room in the home from top to bottom with premium furniture, artwork & décor to attract all potential buyers.

"But there must be some catch, right?"

Not really. But we will likely ask you to do a few things to set us all up for success. Things like painting over dated wall colors, updating light fixtures, changing light bulbs so they are all the same color, adding fresh bark dust...things like that. Nothing major, just things that will ensure the home is presented in it's best light. And, we'll require that you take your realtor's advice on listing price so that it's not priced at a level that is not attainable.

Our goal is simple. Help you sell your home for the highest possible price. With our staging and advice, we're certain that you can do that. So certain, we guarantee it. 

So...what does it cost?

We will ask for a $250.00 security deposit to reserve your staging installation date. If your home doesn't sell within an agreed amount of time (must be reasonable...90 days minimum) you don't owe us anything and we will refund your $250 deposit after we've removed our staging items. 

If your home does sell, and we're sure it will, we will send an invoice for 1.25% of the sale price to be paid at closing by the escrow company. It's that simple!

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